“I don’t have the time to do stuff for myself”.
Does this sound familiar?
“I’ve never been so busy at work”.
How often have you thought this?
“I’ll get back on the straight and narrow when the work calms down.”
Does the work ever calm down? Are there ever quiet periods where you can take your foot off the gas and starting doing more stuff for yourself?

When I was in the finance industry, I used to think the same; working until midnight and weekends, feeling like I should answer every email as soon as I read them irrespective of when they arrived, trying to fix client issues as soon as they came up, managing staff, chasing revenue, keeping shareholders happy etc. To be honest it never ends. We become addicted to just working.
And that means we have no time for ourselves. Or for our families. Or if even we do have a little time for ourselves, we don’t have enough energy to keep up with the kids.

It can also lead to increased stress and anxiety which we alleviate with things like alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, refined carbs (basically sugar) and sometimes medical drugs which makes the whole cycle worse.
That was my solution. At least until I got a wake up call from the doctor. I was lucky that I had that catalyst to spur me on to take action to get mentally and physically healthy.
Because let’s be honest is sacrificing your free time, and your energy, for the sake of your career, correct? Is it correct to sacrifice your happiness to provide for your family? Don’t you deserve to be happy? And what about your kids? What message are you sending them? Do you also want them, to be a slave to a faceless corporate company and sacrifice their happiness for their kids?

Maybe’s its time to break the cycle to give you, and your family, the life they deserve?
So how to break the cycle? They don’t teach you this stuff at school!
Working with an experienced coach to help you prioritise is massively beneficial. Having someone to help you be accountable to your goals is so much easier than doing it on your own.
But is working with a coach admitting defeat? Surely it's just a question of plucking up the willpower and deciding to put yourself first right?

I thought so. I had an ego. I didn’t think I needed help.
But if we draw the analogy of taking care of yourself with running a business, well you can’t run a business on your own. You need marketing support, admin, accountants, HR managers and so on. Running your life is a little bit like running a business. You can do it on your own but it’s much easier to get help from the experts in their field to help you achieve your goals. Even if the goal is just to find your goal in the first place!
After working with a lifestyle coach I found that my time freed up massively and I was no less productive at work. In fact it was more productive. I was doing less of the things I disliked (which I delegated) and more of the things I like but in and outside the office. It was a life changing process.
That’s one of the reasons I setup Levitise, to help people, like me, who needed a bit of a nudge getting pointed in the right direction. And does it work?
Well Scott certainly seems to think so.

“I’m more flexible, stronger. I sleep better.
I’m more in control of my life.”
As does Bainy.

"I feel good when I wake up. I feel more energetic. My sleep is better. I delegate the stuff I don't like doing. I'm working less. I'm more flexible."
And James.

“Fantastic. Best advice on living healthily anywhere. And it's practical advice. You can still live your life. It's about balance.”
Wrapping up...
If you are ready to shift your limiting beliefs and invest in yourself, just like Scott, Bainy and James did to relieve stress and anxiety, boost energy, have more me time and start sleeping like a baby then send me a DM today! And you will never look back again.
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