Cancer & Heart Health

How Lara Overcame Cancer, Regained Her Health, and Launched Her Business
Cancer & Heart Health · 20 January 2021
Lara Quie had the perfect life, she was a successful businesswoman, with a devoted husband and three beautiful daughters. And then she found a lump. She was only 45 years old. And in late 2019 Lara was diagnosed with cancer. Not one to wallow in self-pity, or outsource her health to someone else, Lara decided to act. Not only did she make a full recovery she also found the co courage to start her own business.
Cancer & Heart Health · 22 February 2020
In Singapore, in 2018, according to the Ministry of Health, 23.2% of the population that passed away died from heart related problems such as heart attacks. We can all agree that exercise, diet, sleep and stress are critical for reducing the chance of heart related issues but they all seem so difficult to introduce into our busy lives. Is it possible that just sitting in a Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna can help prevent heart attacks in Singaporeans?

Cancer & Heart Health · 09 October 2019
In September 2019 Alex visited the lovely folks at The LifeCo in Phuket. A health and wellness retreat that helps reverse chronic diseases including diabetes and cancer. Whilst there Alex interviewed Dr. Thomas Lodi, the famous US physician who now practices holistic and integrative oncology at The LifeCo.
Cancer & Heart Health · 04 September 2019
Can strength training help prevent cancer? How about cardiovascular and other diseases? Is strength training better than cardio? What does the scientific evidence suggest? We’ve spent weeks pouring over the research to give you the lowdown on whether or not this is an effective strategy for you to prevent cancer and improve your longevity and quality of life in Singapore.

Cancer & Heart Health · 12 January 2019
If you're interested in good health, losing weight, longevity, managing and potentially curing diabetes mellitus then this article is tailored made for you. Read on to find out about our 6 step protocol for helping you get on top of one of the most important aspects of your health.
Cancer & Heart Health · 14 April 2018
This is the fourth article in a 6 part series covering stress busting techniques for specific bodily complaints. In part four, we’re going to be looking at ways to help people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Cancer & Heart Health · 08 April 2018
This is the third article in a 6 part series covering stress busting techniques for specific bodily complaints. In this article, we’re going to be looking at ways to help people with digestive problems, allergies and diabetes.
Cancer & Heart Health · 26 January 2018
In this article, we look at why type 2 diabetes is on the increase in Singapore and what the key lifestyle changes are that we can make to reverse it.

Cancer & Heart Health · 19 November 2017
So you went to the doctors recently, he told you your cholesterol levels are too high and that you should take a bunch of Statin drugs. Did you ask him how long you should be taking them for? If so his answer would have been something like, “Well unless you clean up your diet and lifestyle then really for the rest of your life”. If this bothered you then, you’ve come to the right place to learn more and take control of your cholesterol levels and ultimately your life!