If you're working with a coach. are you getting the most out of that relationship? If you’ve thought about joining a coaching program, are you willing to do what it takes to succeed? Or are you a coach, and are you struggling to get the best out of your clients?
Business coaching, life coaching, health coaching, holistic lifestyle coaching, nutrition coaching or any kind of personal development coaching generally involves you, being coached by an expert, who’s practiced in guiding you through a process, that enables you to achieve something, that you have been struggling to achieve on your own.
Having a clear idea of what success looks like and why it's important to you
If you don't have a crystal clear definition of success then, everything you do will reflect a lack of clarity and focus. For you to sharpen your vision of what success looks like for you, you have to spend time reflecting and planning. Here are some questions worth pondering over that will help:
- “What could I not stand to die without doing or accomplishing?”
- “What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?”
- “What role does my health and vitality have to play in all of this?”
Yes you can most definitely work on shaping your idea of success with your coach but it is up to you to paint that final picture that is truly meaningful for YOU.

Staying fully present during your coaching session
We understand that it can be challenging to shut off from work but it is of utmost importance that you give your coach your undivided attention. This cannot happen if your body is physically present but your mind is elsewhere. There is a reason why coaching is normally held off-site so that you can mentally separate yourself from your daily activities and take some time to focus on your health and happiness. This is not selfish. You can only do your job properly if you are functioning at the highest level.
So put your bag away and shut your phone and focus on your coaching session that you have signed up for to help you overcome these issues. After all, the coaching session is only 60 minutes long. Everything else can truly wait.

Attending your coaching appointments on a regular basis
You’ve hired a coach, that’s great! But that's the first part of the battle won, the next and most important step is to show up and do the work. The way for you to attain the results you desire is by:
- showing up for your coaching appointments
- taking the appropriate actions
- evaluating your results
- taking more action.
And repeat that cycle!
I know this sounds like common sense but honestly you’re not going to gain the benefits of coaching if you do not turn up for your sessions.
You see success takes work, struggle, and determination. And, nine times out of ten, it’s your hard work, struggle, commitment and determination that creates the meaningful and fulfilling life you desire.

You'll need to change your behaviour
When you meet with your coach, you reflect with him or her about what’s causing the problem and explore solutions together creatively. Then at your subsequent session, you and your coach will reflect on the actions taken. What worked well? What did not work for you this week? If something did not work, the game plan has to change and new action has to be taken. This process repeats each session. So if you are just spending time reflecting but not taking action, then you are just wasting your precious money exploring concepts that never come to fruition.
At the end of the day, it is then completely up to you to take the necessary action steps required for you to achieve your goals.

Give your coach feedback
Coaches are ultimately just humans. This means they all have different personalities and coaching styles. Of course a great coach will be able to change their coaching style in various ways to suit you, i.e moderate pace of coaching session according to your personality type or preference. That being said, if you do not like anything about your coach and his or her coaching style then, it is within your power to let that be known. You need to take charge of your situation. You are investing in your coach to help you get results and they want to serve you in the best way they can.

Wrapping up...
Now that you've gained greater awareness about the things you need to do in order to maximise your results from working with your coach, can you identify what’s holding you back? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below.
To your health, happiness and longevity,
The Levitise Team
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